Rashifal Bangla - is a complete app for Horoscope forecast in bengali . In depth analysis of every rashi . Day to day rashifal , Month by month forecast and analysis . This complete offline app shows lots of information about your Rsahi in Bengali . In bengali there are 12 Rashi - Brish Rasi , Karkat Rashi , Kumbha Rashi , Mithun Rashi , Singha Rashi , Brischik Rashi , Tula Rashi , Makar Rashi , Kanya Rashi , Mesh Rashi , Dhonu Rashi and Min Rashi . In this app you will get full details on this followings 1. what is your rashi in bengali . apnar rashi . 2. How boys and girls are of different Sunsigns 3. What is perfect job for any rashi 4. Til tatwa 5. Ratna Tatwa 6 . Face reading7. Psycho reading Full rashifal 2017 year in bengali Complete Year forcast of every rashi in bengali . daily rashifal bangla .